Another year draws to an end.
Another one looms ahead.
Last year, at about this time I
felt that I had just swam the Amazon chased by the crocodiles after my own boat
got wrecked and got away with some lost limbs. But the overriding feeling was
that of having got away.
This year I had a new rented boat
with me, all new and shiny and fitted with some gadgets. The ride has been
smoother and more comfortable. But having said that, the trip forward has
forebodings of unknown. The shine of the boat is gone, the water is showing
signs of early choppiness and I just sense that a few crocs may rear their
heads again. Maybe these ones latched on to the rear of the boat and are
waiting to snap again. It is just good that I do not own the boat this time.
Enough of rhetoric and imagery!
2016 would remain special because
we could celebrate two unique occasions—the golden jubilee of my parents
marital life and the attainment of 5 years by my daughter. Two occasions where
I put in my whole effort and barring a few small blemishes, managed to do
justice to expectations. That is important because living upto expectations are
the biggest challenges of life.
This year was more financially
comfortable and I believe I made a successful transit from being an entrepreneur
to a domesticated obedient worker. It was the need of the year and I proudly
claim that I managed to do it without much ado. Only the death of a few dreams
ended up being collateral damage.
My daughter grew up this year.
She continues to stun me at times when she lowers her guard and I feel
surprised to see how well she hides her real self. I hope that I live up to her
My parents grow older and every
year takes a bigger bite into their health. A matter of concern about which I
can do nothing!! I feel helpless but that is perhaps inevitable. The umbrella
under which I grew up continues to become thinner every year.
And friends!! What would I have
done without them!!! Thanks for being
there once again.