My dear Mamma, 07
November 2014
I prefer calling you that! I also know that you will not be
able to read this letter now. If at all you get to read this , then hopefully by
then , you would have grown up to understand what lies beneath the letters
covering this page.
Tomorrow you turn Three! It’s your birthday tomorrow! A
grand old age of 3 years J.
Mamma, mamma, I have such a lot to tell you and i know not
whether I will be able to share it all with you, because, you will realise with
time that I am not really a very strong person who likes to share all in
public.. But I guess that this is the right time to start and as your “mumum “says
I am probably better off with the written word than with the verbal.
Tomorrow also marks more than two years of sheer unbridled
joy for me! It’s the joy of having you in my life. It’s the joy of growing up
all over again with you, it’s the joy of smiling with you, playing with you,
fighting with you and getting my tear wiped by you. It’s joy of riding the
roller coaster of life with you, the joy of belonging to you.
I remember the lusty cry that you gave once you were placed
in my arms and how you quietened down and slept on my shoulders. I remember how
I did not move a muscle for an hour lest you would wake up. But I remember the
most the sunshine that you brought into our lives the moment you smiled once
you woke up.
It has coincidentally been a rather trying period for me
professionally and financially. Some days it has been more than an effort just
to drag one off to home. It has been a tightrope jugglery for over a year and as
I write this, this is not over yet. It is consuming every inch of my energy and
patience to pull through. However, the moment I reach home and get welcomed
with the yelps of joy and a hug from you, I get an added boost to take upon the
whole darned world.
It is at this crucial juncture that I finally get my mind
together to write to you.
My love, in you I see a rare understanding self and a
rather soft and caring persona. That I
dare say is a lovely combination. But the world that you inherit would be a harsh
one and my job would be to groom you with the shield for protection against
such barbs.
I would not burden you with much more in the first letter
itself. Hopefully, I would continue this trend of writing to you till both of
us mature enough to talk and understand directly.
At the moment, let me raise my hands in silent thanks to the
Almighty for selecting me as your father.
Happy Birthday my dear! May God bless you!
Love and Love again,
Thank you Pradipda
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